The Reports section in the WP Racks plugin provides detailed insights and data regarding your warehouse inventory and movements. This documentation will guide you through the various reports available and how to use them effectively.
Accessing the Reports Section #
To access the Reports section, follow these steps:
- Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
- Go to the Warehouses
- Click Manage
- Click on the “Reports” tab.
- Goods Movement Report
Types of Reports #
The Reports section includes several types of reports that help you monitor and manage your warehouse inventory. These reports include:
- Inventory Balance Report
- Stock Expiry Report
- Stocktake Report
- Deadstock Report
Inventory Balance Report #
The Inventory Report provides an overview of the current inventory levels in your warehouse. You can filter the report by product and batch.
Key Components #
- Filter by Product: Select a specific product to filter the report.
- Filter by Batch: Select a specific batch to filter the report.
- Export Options: Export the report in various formats (Copy, Excel, CSV, PDF).
- Search Bar: Search for specific items within the report.

Report Details #
- Inventory ID: Unique identifier for the inventory item (e.g., SKU0012).
- Location: Location of the inventory item within the warehouse (e.g., Example).
- Description: Description of the inventory item (e.g., Noise-Canceling Earbuds).
- Batch Number: Batch number associated with the inventory item (e.g., 3712712).
- On Hand: Quantity of the inventory item currently on hand (e.g., 1440kg).
- Expired: Quantity of the inventory item that has expired (e.g., 0kg).
- Available: Quantity of the inventory item available for use (e.g., 0kg).
Stock Expiry Report #
The Batch Report provides detailed information about the batches of products within your warehouse. You can set a date range to filter the report.
Key Components #
- Start Date and End Date: Select the date range for the report.
- Export Options: Export the report in various formats (Copy, Excel, CSV, PDF).
- Search Bar: Search for specific items within the report.

Report Details #
- Item: SKU or identifier for the product (e.g., SKU0033).
- Description: Description of the product (e.g., Wireless Charger).
- Batch Number: Batch number associated with the product (e.g., WO23112333).
- Expiry Date: Expiry date of the product (e.g., 2024-08-01).
- Quantity Avail: Quantity of the product available (e.g., 915.2).
Stocktake Report #
The Movement Report provides details about the movements of products within your warehouse. This includes incoming, outgoing, and internal movements.
Key Components #
- Export Options: Export the report in various formats (Copy, Excel, CSV, PDF).
- Search Bar: Search for specific items within the report.

Report Details #
- Line #: Line number of the movement entry (e.g., 1).
- Inventory ID: Unique identifier for the inventory item (e.g., SKU0033).
- Description: Description of the inventory item (e.g., Wireless Charger).
- Location: Location of the inventory item within the warehouse (e.g., 1-1-1).
- Pallet ID: Unique identifier for the pallet (e.g., 9497121).
- Batch Number: Batch number associated with the inventory item (e.g., HSS2023).
- UOM: Unit of measure for the inventory item (e.g., kg).
- Book Qty.: Book quantity of the inventory item (e.g., 200kg).
- Physical Qty.: Physical quantity of the inventory item (to be entered).
Deadstock Report #
The Activity Report provides details about the activities within your warehouse over a selected date range. This includes the last activity date for each item and the available quantity.
Key Components #
- Select Date Range: Choose a date range for the report.
- Export Options: Export the report in various formats (Copy, Excel, CSV, PDF).
- Search Bar: Search for specific items within the report.

Report Details #
- Item: SKU or identifier for the product (e.g., SKU0033).
- Description: Description of the product (e.g., Wireless Charger).
- Batch Number: Batch number associated with the product (e.g., HSS2023).
- Last Activity Date: The date of the last activity involving the product.
- Quantity Avail: Quantity of the product available.
Goods Movement Report #
The Goods Movement Report provides details about the total quantity of goods moved in and out of the warehouse for a selected month and year.
Key Components #
- Select Month: Choose the month for the report.
- Select Year: Choose the year for the report.
- Filter Button: Apply the selected filters to generate the report.
- Export Options: Export the report in various formats (Copy, Excel, CSV, PDF).
- Search Bar: Search for specific items within the report.

Report Details #
- Movement Type: The type of movement (e.g., External, Received).
- Total Quantity: The total quantity of goods moved (e.g., 0kg, 2500kg).